Diseño de protocolos para los procesos inherentes a la seguridad del paciente (farmacovigilancia y conciliación de medicamentos) en el Hospital Básico INGINOST
2021-03-10Registro en:
Zavala Martínez, Laura Vanessa. (2021). Diseño de protocolos para los procesos inherentes a la seguridad del paciente (farmacovigilancia y conciliación de medicamentos) en el Hospital Básico INGINOST. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Zavala Martínez, Laura Vanessa
This research work aimed to design protocols for the processes inherent to patient safety (pharmacovigilance and drug conciliation) at the Inginost Basic Hospital. The research was of a non-experimental field type, carried out under an observational and descriptive design, where it was necessary to delimit the population due to the inconveniences presented by the health personnel at the time of participation. The observational and descriptive technique made it possible to record information about health care and identify the level of knowledge that health professionals possess, through the application of two surveys, one for pharmacovigilance and the other for drug reconciliation, which were made up of closed and open questions to obtain more specific information. Two protocols were developed for each process, according to the requirements and shortcomings presented by health professionals and the institution in general, which contain the necessary instructions and procedures for the correct understanding and application of the processes inherent to patient safety. It was concluded that the design of protocols is essential for the immediate implementation of pharmacovigilance and drug reconciliation processes, due to the lack of knowledge and implementation of systems for reporting adverse effects and discrepancies associated with medication. These documents were reviewed and approved by the general management of the hospital for their subsequent socialization, where a great reception and understanding of the generalities and practical exercises was obtained by the professionals. It is recommended to create a Technical Commission, which will be in charge of updating the protocols according to the new needs and characteristics of the health unit, likewise, it is suggested to carry out training periodically about safe practices for the improvement of care sanitary.