Registro de la cultura gastronómica del cantón Mocha provincia de Tungurahua. 2015
2016-07-23Registro en:
López Santos, Edwin Santiago. (2016). Registro de la cultura gastronómica del cantón Mocha provincia de Tungurahua. 2015. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
López Santos, Edwin Santiago
The present research proposes to prepare a register of the gastronomic culture of !he Cantón Mocha, province of Tungurahua; with duration of six months. During the course of processing a randomized study was used with the sample of 20 resorts and restaurants each one with its respective owner.The methodology of surveys and recipes for the preparation of the different dishes of the Cantón. As a result,lhe development of a gastronomic register is as part of lheir intangible heritage. A compendium of it was done in a magazine in arder to provide !he customs and culinary traditions typical of this place. This work was based on !he identification of the traditional dishes, customs and main ingredients that are used to elaborate typical dishes, documenting the customs, festivals and utensils through a register of the gastronomic culture of Cantón Mocha lhrough a magazine. lt was concluded that having a culinary record is of vital lmportance in order to maintain a record of !he tradltions of our ancestors, the same that have endurad hrough time, so lhat it becomes a powerful tool to rescue the identity of their culture and so it is maintained through the years in arder to the new generations can know bolh the traditions and gastronomy of Cantón Mocha.