| Tesis
Investigación de materias primas para la industria cerámica en el corredor Palora-San Juan Bosco de la provincia de Morona Santiago
2018Registro en:
Jaramillo Altamirano, J. G. (2018). Investigación de materias primas para la industria cerámica en el corredor Palora-San Juan Bosco de la provincia de Morona Santiago. (Tesis de grado. Ingeniero Forestal). Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Jaramillo Altamirano, Jasmin Gabriela
The current research proposes the characterization of ceramic raw material and their relation with their geological environment. The research was carried out in four stages. The first stage belongs to the documentary compilation which is an indirect method consisting on the bibliographic information consulting in a digital and physical way about the topic. It contains political and geological maps and bibliographic files about ceramic materials. The second stage is the field trip, which belongs to a direct method about on-site data collection based on the appreciation, study and sampling of raw material in the place they are located. The third one is the laboratory stage that was determined through tests and physical-ceramic properties of each sample collected as well as a qualitative analysis. Then the samples were classified according to their color, plasticity, refractory, porosity, water absorption, contraction to burning and density allowing formulating a characterization. The last stage consists on the data processing for the obtaining the results with the use of profesional software expressed in charts and thematic maps. With the results obtained, it was possible to evidence that the province has usable non-metallic mining beds that have good characteristics for the ceramic use for both, white and red ceramics; in addition, it was possible to establish that Morona County is the most prevalent according to the samplings carried out in this County.