Análisis de la rentabilidad del transporte comercial, modalidad: taxi ejecutivo en la ciudad de Riobamba
2021-07-21Registro en:
Zamora Paredes, Wilson Edison. (2021). Análisis de la rentabilidad del transporte comercial, modalidad: taxi ejecutivo en la ciudad de Riobamba. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Zamora Paredes, Wilson Edison
The thesis about the analysis of profitability of commercial transportation modalities: executive taxis in Riobamba city was aimed to determine if this transportation mode is profitable through cost analysis investment and operation to improve operational decision making processes of these companies in Riobamba city. For the development of the study, an inductive and deductive methodology was applied, which allowed the analysis of one of the influencial variables to reach a general knowledge. On the other hand, it was analytical in nature since it allowed to individually analyze the parts involved and then group them together through the application of surveys and observation files that made it possible to collect information on internal operating practices and the level of involvement that affect profitability. With the information obtained, it was determined that 3,475 units are distributed in cooperatives and companies which indicated that it exceeds the technical regulations. To obtain the profitability, a projection of the investment was made for 5 years, which considered the investment items and operating costs, which yielded a result of the NPV indicator in negative number (-926.63) and the IRR indicator at a value of (9%), which was below of the upgrade factor, which is 10%, what is meant by investing in "executive taxis" would not be profitable. Based on the diagnosis, the creation of a social fund is proposed to help executive taxis in Riobamba city, the creation of an application is also proposed to maximize income. The authorities are recommended t o make appropriate decisions to improve income of executive taxis, taking into account the strategies proposed in this study.