Rescate cultural de la tradición gastronómica del cantón Penipe 2013
2014-01-19Registro en:
Quichimbo Guamán, Carlos Alfredo. (2014). Rescate cultural de la tradición gastronómica del cantón Penipe 2013. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Quichimbo Guamán, Carlos Alfredo
The present researching task on cultural rescue related to gastronomic tradition in Penipe canton is aimed to elaborate a Touristic and Gastronomic Guide in order to provide information related to traditional meals supply sited and their touristic attractiveness. For this guide elaboration it was necessary to search on Penipe canton´s traditional gastronomy, taking into account how ancestor inhabitants carried it out, which the used objects for meals preparation were and which products were used during the process. When ingredients and products used in elaborating the traditional meals were got, it was performed a recipes standardization –which constitute the gastronomy basement of Penipe- inherited from generations into families that keep this gastronomic and cultural tradition. This form it is pretended to incorporate a guide to foment the gastronomic tourism in the region as well as to make known Penipe canton owns a gastronomic and cultural richness in our province. The present guide includes data, cue sites, and other guidelines for an appropriated tourist developing, as a result of a work showing quality, security and creativity, characteristics of gastronomic professionals.