Sistema de cobro de agua potable de la comunidad El Socorro utilizando el framework Asp.net MVC
2017-11Registro en:
Ruiz Chicaiza, Carolina Elizabeth; Paguay Sánchez, Silvia Janeth (2017). Sistema de cobro de agua potable de la comunidad El Socorro utilizando el framework Asp.net MVC. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Ruiz Chicaiza, Carolina Elizabeth
Paguay Sánchez, Silvia Janeth
The objective of this project was reduce the calculation time of the value to be canceled in the number of errors in the interpretation of the meters in the water collection process of the community El Socorro. The project was developed using the ASP.NET MVC framework to separate the data from the user interface and the business logic, thus facilitating the maintenance and stability of the system, in addition to using the agile SCRUM methodology, the implementation of the base of data was performed in SQL Server 2012. The techniques applied were: the observation method back to zero or back to zero which allowed to obtain the time spent in the calculation of the value to cancel being approximately 77 , 75 seconds, to determine the occurrence of the errors in the interpretation, the interview was made to the directors of the board detecting errors such as: illegible interpretation, meters without interpretation and incorrect information of the interpretation; using the observation technique, 74.05% error occurrence was determined. Applied "Developer tools" option in the Google Chrome browser it has been determined that the time in the calculation of the value to be canceled using the web application is 0.76 seconds, thus noting the decrease in the time spent for this task, Average of the mobile application has been determined that the decrease of errors is 92.31%. It is concluded that the use of the system decrease the error and time in 95.67% face of the traditional method (without the use of the system), which its use is recommended.