Desarrollo de Técnicas Culinarias de Vanguardia Basadas en la Antropología Gastronómica del Cantón Latacunga 2011
2011Registro en:
Guerrero Panchi, Gabriela Nataly. (2011). Desarrollo de Técnicas Culinarias de Vanguardia Basadas en la Antropología Gastronómica del Cantón Latacunga 2011. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Guerrero Panchi, Gabriela Nataly
Research in Experimental Techniques Based Vanguard Culinary Culinary Anthropology Canton Latacunga, the variables examined were culinary preferences, ancestral techniques and avant-garde cuisine. The presentation of dishes is on the basis of color, aroma, flavor and presentation. The importance of meeting new dining options by using new cooking techniques benefits the preparation and training of the various owners of food establishments, improving not only the submission of their plates if their knowledge of sanitation and food handling. The application of these techniques in the dishes might increase consumption, sales, food tourism and thus keep alive the local cuisine. The introduction of contemporary cuisine, called avant-garde cuisine is a style of cooking with evolving creative features; the proposed development of a formulary is to find new avenues and challenges for innovation in the future Ecuadorian gastronomy.