Diseño de un centro interpretativo cultural del pueblo Saraguro, cantón Saraguro, provincia de Loja.
2018Registro en:
Gualán Sarango, M. E. (2018). Diseño de un centro interpretativo cultural del pueblo Saraguro, cantón Saraguro, provincia de Loja. (Tesis de grado. Ingeniero en Ecoturismo). Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Gualán Sarango, Martha Emilia
The current research work proposes to design an Interpretative Cultural Centre of Saraguro community, Saraguro Canton, province of Loja: for it the following phases were developed: a register of intangible cultural heritage of Saraguro Culture, the same allowed to determine that the 95% of 22 cultural manifestations registered it is found in low or zero vulnerability state; the following phase consisted in the interpretative potential index where it is determined that the territory related to the cultural heritage has features to be interpreted; lately the audience analysis to local population and a national and international tourists in which relevant characteristics were determined like preference by the different kind of interpretative means, themes and disposal for interpretative activities; in the next phase the conceptual and technical design is presented where is carried out the philosophical and strategical approach, definition of topics and messages, the implementation of 6 interpretative rooms, conform of interpretative script and Management scheme of Interpretative Centre, subsequently the interpretative means were identified and designed for each one of the interpretative rooms in function to the interpretative potential index and to the audience analysis; in the next phase the corporative image of the Interpretative Centre is designed through a visual and different identity with signs of identity; in the last phase the costs and expenses are analysed in order to establish that the necessary investment to implement the interpretative centre is of $49642,33 and the costs and expenses required for the functioning of the first year is $54866,35. It is concluded that the Interpretative Centre will contribute to the valuation of intangible cultural heritage, will promote the intercultural encounter and encourage the touristical development in the Saraguro Canton.