Rediseño del manual de funciones del Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado Municipal del cantón Mocha, provincia de Tungurahua
2017-03-13Registro en:
Toapanta Caillagua, Verónica Cecilia. (2017). Rediseño del manual de funciones del Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado Municipal del cantón Mocha, provincia de Tungurahua. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Toapanta Caillagua, Verónica Cecilia
The redesign of the Functions Manual of the Decentralized Autonomous Government Municipal of the Mocha Canton, Tungurahua Province was carried out with the purpose of updating in each official the functions and responsibilities in his position, established in the existing functions manual. People that integrate the institution will be the beneficiaries in the different hierarchical levels in order to avoid duplication, arrogation and evasion of activities and bottlenecks within the workplace. For this purpose, each employee’s functions, activities and responsibilities were essential to correct. The profiles of skills were taken as reference required for each one of the positions of jobs that make up the municipal entity. As conclusion the functions manual is an administrative tool the helps managers to make decisions for an adequate administrative management of its collaborators and the entity, this is why the improvement must be continuous so that the service provided by the public entity is adequate both for internal and external customers of the institution.