Manual de los Ensayos: Columna resonante y Corte torsional cíclico del Laboratorio de Geotecnia de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Sede Quito, Campus Sur
Fernández Columba, Alexis Gabriel
Villamarín Galarza, Marco Alexander
The dynamic tests that can be carried out on soil samples are not covered in undergraduate, with the
present thesis work, it is expected that more research will be carried out in the future, as well as
promoting the use of the dynamic equipment that the university has. in soil and geotechnical
Teachers and students interested in research on the behavior of the usual against dynamic loads,
through tests do not have a guide or manual on how to carry them out. This document will deal with
the use of the 31-WF8500 equipment that combines the Resonant Column and Cyclic Torsional Shear
tests, through which dynamic soil alterations such as Damping (D), Shear Modulus (G) can be
obtained. with the deformation. This manual is done in the most didactic way possible so that whoever
uses it feels totally confident in performing the test successfully. Each element that makes up the
equipment and what its function is described in detail, also focuses on the sizing of unaltered samples
and reconstitution of altered samples, how the specimens are mounted in the equipment and also
emphasizes that errors should not be commit at the time of assembly, both samples and equipment
elements. For this, 2 soil samples were tested, one with Ottawa sand which was reconstituted and a
soil sample (MH) which was carved for testing.
Carrying out the tests in the first person is the best way to interpret the results obtained, it is a perfect
complement to the theoretical bases acquired that will not grow in the professional field.