Análisis y modelación matemática de paralelismo de bancos trifásicos de transformadores con conexión Delta-Estrella y de diferentes grupos vectoriales.
Briones Yépez, Javier Alejandro
López Ortega, Raúl Andres
The following work has as objective demonstrate through a model mathematical the behavior in parallel of two banks three-phase, whose group of connection of each one is Delta and of each group vector that is can make with this type of connection, which are: Dyn1, Dyn5, Dyn7, Dyn11.
Within the differential equations that make up the mathematical modeling, there are variables and constants; the variables are those results to get of our analysis; as current of line of entry of the connection delta, current of line of the connection star whereas a load resistive, as well as currents of magnetization of the core, but them constant necessary to enter in the modeling was based on tests experimental made in six transformers single-phase of two banks of test of transformers, located in the transformers’ laboratory of the Universidad Politécnica Salesiana.