El arte como estrategia de enseñanza/aprendizaje para el desarrollo de la expresión artística en los niños de educación inicial II
Haro Quilumba, Verónica Lizeth
The research called “art as a strategy for teaching and learning in the development of children’s expression”, aims to describe the contributions of art as a strategy for teaching and learning of children / in the development of artistic expression in children on initial education II. Art in education is considered as a generating medium that allows the child to discover his interior through creativity and imagination, helping him to build new meaning and thus developing his artistic expression (Goyes & Rico Sánchez, 2011). Well, in this case the teacher does not present artistic activities within the classroom,
maintaining a traditional methodology within most of her pedagogical activities, preventing the child from having a good artistic development, it is also mentioned that in the data collection a qualitative methodology and an ethnographic method through interaction with the subjects, applying instruments such as field diaries to collect data. Some of the results obtained from the research are: the teacher does not use artistic activities in the process to develop the expression of children in the classroom, this was done through interviews with three teachers of Initial and High School Education and the collection of data from the field diaries obtained in the pre – professional practices.