Diseño e implementación de dos controladores para los brazos robóticos: Antropomórfico y Scara, utilizando microcontroladores ATMEL AVR´S para el Laboratorio de Robótica de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana Campus Sur.
Heredia Velasteguí, Jaime Rolando
This paper aims to provide the Salesian Polytechnic University two controllers for
robotic arms, and Scara Rhino XR-3 Anthropomorphic. We performed some testing
techniques in original controllers each robotic arm and concluded that they were old
and in poor condition. Innovation was proposed for the control arms using a
microcontroller ATMEGA AVR 128, with which you can optimize the weight,
power consumption and space.
Using the AVR Microcontroller also allows the implementation of other useful
applications in robotics, such as computer vision, integrated into XR-3
anthropomorphic arm through a webcam, for the classification of white pieces or
other colors changing shade pattern. The robotic arms were equipped with a graphic
pad teach using a GLCD display and AVR ATMEGA 164 microcontroller.