Análisis de la interacción suelo-estructura aplicando la guía práctica fema P-2091 en el bloque “G” de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Sede Quito, Campus Sur
Abril Jarrín, Jennifer Valeria
Avilés Ramos, Dilan André
The objective of this research is to study the Soil-Structure Interaction (ISE) from the blocks that made up the "Block G" building of the Salesian Polytechnic University, in order to have a better prediction of the structural behavior in relation to its developed soil. Studies carried out in the area of interest were taken to determine the geomechanical properties (shear wave velocity Vs, Specific Weight ɣ, Poisson's Coefficient v). The FEMA P-2091 Practical Guide was used to know the importance of the effects of the ISE. With models made in the ETABS software, it was possible to obtain the results of basal shears, drifts and periods that are compared in cases where rigid and other flexible foundations are presented (using equivalent springs and equivalent damping). For the "Push-Over" Nonlinear Static Analysis, the most critical frames of the blocks to be analyzed were used, in the X-Y axes. The elastic spectrum was used, where its reduction factor is equal to 1, in order to obtain the capacity curves and performance points, which helped to understand the behavior of these structures through certain seismic demands.