Implementación de reconocimiento facial y visión artificial en robot nao con Python y Opencv
Rivera Itúrburu, Isaac Giovanni
Zambrano Guaranda, Douglas Fabricio
The purpose of this academic article was to implement facial recognition and artificial vision in the Nao humanoid robot, using the Python programming language and the Open CV library, to give a more optimal use to the Nao robot, which has been little used considering that this artifact has multiple capabilities that could be of great support in the various processes that comprise a university as an organization. A specific case is the action of recognizing expressions and from that information to program response activities for the public. In this sense, we intend to import the libraries to be used, among which the most important are: 'Pynaoqi', the OpenCV library ('cv2'), the Haar Cascade algorithm and the Numpy library. The methodology used was the development of a program in PyCharm software, using the Python programming language and the Open CV libraries to achieve the main objective of artificial recognition and the stable communication by the Nao Robot available at the Salesian Polytechnic University.