El Servicio de mensajería y su incidencia económica en los emprendimientos digitales de Guayaquil
Mena Altamirano, Daniel Sebastián
This research determines the incidence of the courier service and its economic impact on digital enterprises in Guayaquil. Online shopping has experienced an indisputable growth in recent years, according to the magazine Retos, this is due thanks to the internet and telephony (Piedra & Torres, 2017) and in greater proportion due to the context of the pandemic. Consequently, due to the high demand for digital enterprises, it is estimated a growth, at the pair, of courier services, who are responsible for providing logistics services of a digital enterprise. Therefore, in this research it has been proposed to determinate the economic impact of courier services in digital enterprises in Guayaquil. To know the data, through a methodology with field design without manipulation of variables, an analysis table was made on the main characteristics of courier companies, a survey to 384 economically active people who could be potential consumers of digital enterprises and interviews to owners of digital enterprises in Guayaquil that use courier. The results showed that consumers prefer to buy through social networks, especially in the food and clothing sectors. The owners of digital businesses are guided by credibility to choose their courier, since a good or bad service influences the perception of their customers towards the business. It is concluded that the courier service has an economically favorable impact on digital enterprises.