La evitación experiencial y la relación con el consumo de sustancias en personas privadas de libertad del Centro de Rehabilitación Social Sierra Centro (Latacunga) en el año 2019
Cevallos Almeida, Alex Jerson
This research aims to describe the relationship between the Experiential Avoidance with the consumption of controlled substances, in person deprived of liberty (PPL) of the “Centro de Rehabilitación Social Sierra-Centro (Rehabilitation Center) in Latacunga. For this, a socio-demographic record and the AAQ-II scale were applied to a non-probabilistic sample of 370 PPL (300 men and 70 women) of safety levels: maximum, average, minimum and women, taking into account that The AAQ- II measures the level of experiential avoidance and psychological inflexibility. To establish its relationship with the use of substances, the results obtained with it were correlated with the data of the socio-demographic record and the results obtained with the application of other scales: “Barrat” that measures impulsivity; “Audit” that measures some disorders or disorders in people who consume alcohol, and “Assist” that measures the level of severity of addiction related to drug use; within the framework of the project: Identification of habits of consumption of controlled substances and its psychosocial factors that induce to persons deprived of liberty (PPL)in Ecuador.
Research applied to a specific sample of the “Centro de Rehabilitación Social Sierra-Centro (Rehabilitation Center) in Latacunga.
The correlations made can affirm that there is an important relationship between Experiential Avoidance and the consumption of substances subject to control. Likewise, it is determined that Experiential Avoidance and psychological inflexibility interfere with other psychic and behavioral difficulties.