La novela gráfica Watchmen como instrumento para entender el concepto de superhombre de Friedrich Nietzsche
Llumiquinga Llumiquinga, Alex David
This academic article raises an understanding of the philosophical concept of Friedrich Nietzsche's Übermensch or Superman, through the graphic novel Watchmen created by Alan Moore in 1986, I used the interpretative paradigm to deal with the concepts of superman, the will for power and the eternal located in the works Thus Spoke Zarathustra and The Gay Science. I also used the analysis of the discourse to decipher the political and social concepts handled in the novel, also, to interpret the personalities of the protagonists of Watchmen. With this, it was found that the speeches in Moore's work are relatable to Nietzsche's concepts. The analysis shows that the attitudes of Rorschach, The Comedian and Dr. Manhattan are like the Übermensch described in work Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Also, Dr. Manhattan may be the embodiment of eternal return. The political environment where Watchmen's story unfolds, helps Moore's characterization of his characters, using image analysis I was able to demonstrate the symbolism within the work, as is the case of The Comedian, who creates it as a satire to the American soldier of the time, the case of Dr. Manhattan is very particular, because, it has several symbols that are used with an background, an example of this is its name, with reference to the Manhattan project, creators of the atomic bomb, within history serves as a political discourse of the United States to impart fear the world.