Análisis del comportamiento estructural del bambú del tipo "Guadúa Angustifolia Kunth" como material de construcción en sustitución del hormigón armado
Aguilar Zambrano, Paola Lisbeth
This titling work seeks to carry out the structural analysis of bamboo of the type "guadua angustifolia kunth" as a building material against the behavior of reinforced concrete in a two-story social housing made up of eight departments.
The designs of the structural elements in both bamboo and reinforced concrete must meet the criteria of strength, rigidity and sismorresistance in accordance with the different chapters of the Ecuadorian Construction Standard (NEC 2015) currently applied in Ecuador.
In particular, for the respective designs in bamboo, in addition to complying with the provisions of the Ecuadorian Standard for Structures of Guadúa (NEC-SE-GUADUA), manuals and standards established by other Latin American countries such as Peru have been taken into consideration, Colombia and Mexico, due to their experience in construction with this material.
In addition, it has been considered necessary to suggest a "type union" for elements in bamboo due to its importance for the transmission of stresses of the structure.
Comparison between the construction systems to be analyzed is necessary to know and apply unconventional materials in professional life.