Sistematización del proceso de elaboración de una guía para docentes sobre el manejo de reacciones emocionales de niños y niñas durante las clases virtuales del tercer año de educación general básica paralelo “A” en la Unidad Educativa San Luis Gonzaga en el período lectivo 2021-2022.
Raza Hernández, Karla Salomé
This report describes the systematization of an intervention project that arises from the needs assessment, carried out at the San Luis Gonzaga Educational Unit, in the city of Quito. In this diagnosis, it was found that the area least worked by teachers with students during virtual classes has been the emotional and behavioral field. Thus, given the lack of tools and knowledge of the various emotional reactions of the student body, as well as the influence of emotions in the teaching-learning process, the product of research and obtaining results from the application of various surveys, generate the development of a guide for teachers, so that they can intervene virtually through the suggested strategies.