Ficcionalización, pensamiento, lenguaje y nuevas narrativas virtuales / Ficcionalization, thought, language and new virtual narratives
Hermann Acosta, Andrés
Thought, technology, language and new virtual narratives are forms of virtual reality. According to the conceptual contributions in his text “The structure of reality,” David Deutsch argues that technology has as a point of conception the processes of thought, imagination and creation, which from the perspective of the contribution of this paper, will articulate with the literary field as an expression of fictionalisation and virtualisation of knowledge in cyberspace or the metaverse.
The purpose of this paper is to show how urban and cyberpunk literature, through the use of New Technologies of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have allowed new forms of relationship, communication and narrative, which have have allowed to move from line-ar text to hypertext, the last one which proposes the use of images, sounds and dynamic links as new forms of language.
To understand the new virtual narratives as ways of thinking and abstract language, we will ana-lyse two works of the cyberpunk genre: the novel “Snow Crash” by Neal Stephenson, and Jorge Baradit’s “Ygdrasil”. To thereby locate spatially and temporally the beginning of cyberpunk in the United States and then to understand what the impact of this genre has been in a Latin American context.
The metaverse is a new scenario that is a symbolic digital environment that approximates the idea of a real world metaphor. This “non-place” network located within the Internet offers new forms of narration and the detemporalisation, deterritorialisation of social relations and democra-tisation of knowledge, knowledge access, plurality of textbooks, technology, Philosophy and ar-tistic representations as new forms of meta-narratives in cyberspace.
The epistemological approach that will underpin the work of the new virtual narratives is the con-tribution of the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, who deals with the development of thought from the perspective of language and the analysis of sentences or propositions as conceptual cores which will enable clarification of the logical language and the consolidation of the structure of reality.