Análisis, diseño y desarrollo de un sistema financiero para administrar recursos y simular procesos industriales de Punto Clasic Textilera Nacional.
Reyes Argüello, Christian Eduardo
Rocha Rodriguez, Daniel Adolfo
The thesis decribes the analysis, development and implementation of an online
financial system for the simulation of industrial processes and resource management
of National Textile Classic Point.
The need to present a better and more efficient service forced to look at alternatives
Punto Classic in technological evolution, in this case it was decided to develop a
website based on Silverlight, which is the system display face. It also features an
internal service-oriented architecture that provides great flexibility in the system for
future functionalities that are needed, and in turn, they interact with the database of
Punto Classic, performing functions such as creating users, entering input, product
creation, parameterization of the system permissions, etc..
It also has developed a simulator that emulates the production Intouch Daily Point
Classic, interacting in real time with the database of financial module, this thanks to
a Windows service that interconnects intouch with service-oriented architecture that
is used in the website.
A world of possibilities opens on web systems integration (. Net - SilverLight - Wcf)
and Windows applications (intouch - industrial control), to open our minds to the
evolution of new and old ways of solving existing problems in most companies or