Estudio de factibilidad financiera y económica para la creación de una planta productora de eco fundas basadas en el bioplástico en el cantón Cuenca
Loja Sarmiento, David Esteban
Muñoz Coronel, Willian Andrés
After the installation of any company, business or organization is governmental, private or mixed, proprietorship or partnership requires a pre-feasibility study, with the vision that this work is intended to serve as a basic guide and consultation on issues to be considered to assess the financial and economic feasibility of projects whose purpose is establish a sort manufacturing PYMES and to serve as a point for evaluating the objectives and pursued. In this sense it has prepared a study considering both Ecuador and regulatory requirements of financial procedures and assessment techniques sought to determine the financial and economic feasibility for creating an eco-producing plant based bioplastic bags in the Cuenca city.