Correlación entre el penetrómetro dinámico de cono (DCP) y la relación de soporte de california (CBR) en campo para el suelo de subrasante de la Via Portoviejo - Manta
Castillo Morejón, Joan Alberto
Mena Garzón, Lenin Hernan
The Portoviejo - Manta road is a main artery of terrestrial communication in the province of Manabí, it is a fundamental axis in the economic, social and tourist development of the country. For the decentralized autonomous government of the province of Manabí it is essential to expand it by proposing an extension of its four tracks to six, for which an integral analysis involving a traffic, geological and geotechnical study is important. Therefore, this research will evaluate the conditions of the road cement ground, proposing a correlation between DCP and CBR, raising the possibility of using the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) to assess the resistance properties in situ of the land. By means of the statistical method of regression, 2 equations were made using for values of CBR 0.1", 0.2" and DCP giving with the first value a correlation coefficient R2 equal to 0.80 and in the second a correlation coefficient R2 equal to 0.82 was obtained, being acceptable values with proximity to one. A third and fourth multiple regression equation were made which was considered values of CBR 0.1", 0.2" and DCP plus their physical parameters with results of the first equation R2 equal to 0.82 and in the second an R2 equal to 0.86 indicating that in each of the cases analyzed the sample estimates of R2 admit an acceptable correlation.