Diseño del manual de procedimientos de prácticas para el laboratorio de alta tensión de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana sede Guayaquil
Aguirre Alonso, Andrés Alfredo
Villavicencio Vera, Jefferson José
The present work have as objective to design a procedure manual of practices for the “Alta Tension 1” subject in the Politécnica Salesiana University headquarter in Guayaquil, the same which are presented with clear objectives, adjusted to the lab reality and based in the national curriculum. Attached to this, it is given a mathematical model of one of the practices simulated in a graphic interface in MATLAB®. For which we choose the measurement and generation of impulse voltage test I being that is one of the practices that collect the characteristics of previous tests and a more realistic application in the subject. It is expected for this work to be useful for the students coursing Alta Tensión 1 subject giving them a practical- theoretical base.