“Análisis de cargabilidad de redes eléctricas de distribución basado en la modificación del algoritmo de Gauss-Seidel”
Gancino Bustillos, Henry Saúl
In the feeder systems, the main function is
the distribution of energy, that is distribute
through the electric conductors with a
radial topology. The bad operation of this
systems is produced by several reason, the
principal reason occur when the current
surpasses the overload factor in the line,
resulting in the conductor surpasses its
thermal limit, but this can be avoided by
analysing the potency flow of the
distribution systems, so that exist reliable
results in radial systems and of this form
establish the critical current point in the
conductor before thermal expansion
For the mentioned, the purpose of this
article is to adapt of the algorithm of
Gauss-Seidel in distribution systems, and
to decide a current critical point in the
conductors of the 13 and 34 nodes feeder
systems of the IEEE.
Through the results obtained, it will be
may to define at which current level a
thermal extension begins to exist in the
conductors and the results of the potency
flow will be verified with a simulator
which will affirm the results obtained.
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