Migración de la libreta hidrometeorológica principal del Inamhi a una arquitectura de microservicio
Garrido Mena, Fabián Sebastián
This project shows the development of the migration of the backend of the hydrometeo rological notebook, of the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology of Ecuador, to a
microservices architecture, using free software tools such as Python, Django, PostgreSQL as
the programming language, development framework, and database manager, respectively.
The project is focused on the persistence layer of the software, that is, the application will
allow access, modification, deletion of data from the hydrometeorological notebook, through the
implementation of an API that also enables the exchange of information through files in JSON
format. Similarly, the request modules were made using the HTTP and SQL protocol following
the fine software granularity.
Thanks to the development of this project, it is possible for the Frontend applications and the
data layer to be managed independently. In addition, the application followed the modelview controller design pattern, which favors the maintainability and scalability of the API. According
to the results of the performance and code tests, it can be concluded that the application meets
the acceptance criteria of the requirements requested by the institution.