Análisis descriptivo de las relaciones intrafamiliares como factor causal de la conducta de los adolescentes infractores
Ñato Yépez, Allison Janelly
Since birth of a person, he acquires rights and obligations, since he belongs to a family that is the most remote establishment that has existed in society, with a diversity of family dynamics or intra-family relationships, where parents are primarily responsible for providing training and developing the actions of their children; their way of thinking and acting in relation to their environment. In the absence of good intrafamily relationships, socially rejected behaviors are created, appearing from an early age such as adolescence, so this research basically analyzes intrafamily relationships as a casual element in the behavior of adolescent offenders. The specific objectives are 1) To understand the inherent aspects related to family interactions. 2) To identify the stages related to psychosocial development, correlating acceptable and unacceptable adolescent behaviors. 3) To define the aspects related to antisocial behavior.
The work was carried out from a qualitative methodological perspective of an exploratory, explanatory and descriptive nature; where the signing was obtained to analyze the content of each record with the most relevant information of each document.
The main conclusions were that intrafamily relationships are the cause of socially rejected behaviors, since elements such as family structure, roles, family dysfunction, lack of communication, lack of trust, weak emotional ties, lack of attachment, excess or absence of rules, among others are predisposing factors for socially unacceptable behavior; however, this is not the only cause, since factors such as the school environment and the consumption of psychotropic substances predispose to this type of behavior.