Sistema experto de diagnóstico médico basado en iridología para insuficiencia cardiaca "SEMI"
Bonilla Paredes, Darwin Orlando
Presently thesis work is described a prototype of software of basic operation, of an expert system of medical diagnosis that operates in base of the recognition of images of the iris of the human eye.
This bases their work on Iridiagnosis, of patient with heart pathologies as the Heart, same Inadequacy that they were diagnosed using technical formal cardiológícas previously and it allows to automate the medical knowledge, by means of the application of technical of representation of the knowledge that detail the events of where they are derived the pathologies, search functions for a motor of inferences, application of conditional logical rules, and a control system, to establish the agreement of the diagnoses for Iridología and formal Cardiology.
This computer system this considered as a Hybrid System, since it possesses characteristic of a traditional program that can use technical of artificial vision, combined to the characteristics characteristic of an Expert System, in the field of the Artificial Intelligence, as a system based on the knowledge.