La integración sensorial en niños con déficit de atención en su proceso de aprendizaje. Un estudio de caso en la inclusión educativa.
Acero Checa, Jeniffer Pamela
This research paper presents the school situation of a child diagnosed with attention deficit and hyperactivity, predominantly inattentive, because it presents unique characteristics that limit the student's academic performance, which it requires occupational therapy with a focus on sensory integration; intervention that facilitates student learning in the educational context, the purpose of this work is to analyze sensory integration in children with attention deficit in their learning. The approach of this research paper is qualitative and its scope is descriptive, in that it details the information regarding the therapeutic approach used in the intervention of the child for his improvement in the development of his learning. The data showed that the strategy used encourages higher school performance in the academic areas of mathematics, language arts, and physical education. It has worked with curricular adaptations and applied sensory strategies in the classroom, which has benefited the process of educational inclusion and improvement in academic performance.