Control retroalimentado para un sistema de aterrizaje y despegue vertical (VTOL) y visualización de parámetros desde la nube.
Mendoza Loya, Dennis Adrian
Zapata Peña, Jefferson Rolando
A VTOL (vertical takeoff lading) system is presented to interact and analyze the behavior of the feedback control for a VTOL vertical takeoff and landing system, in which two controls are implemented: the classic PID (proportional integral derivative) control and the FUZZY control. . The proposed design consists of a set of ESC (electronic speed controller) and ARDUINO modules, which will allow the height and stability control of the brushless motor through Matlab and Simulink software. To visualize the graphs of the module, an HMI interface was designed, so that through it the set point can be manipulated and the changes that occur in the PID and FUZZY controls can be observed, having built the VTOL system with its correct operation, proceeded to create the remote system where the programming was carried out, between the ESP8266MOD module and the ThingSpeak server, in which it will allow us to visualize the behavior of the controllers in real time, through graphs that will indicate: height, current and power. Additionally, a camera was incorporated into the remote system to observe in real time the operation of the VTOL module, which will benefit the students of the Electronic Engineering and Automation career of the Salesian Polytechnic University, Quito Campus Sur.