Reconocimiento y análisis de los movimientos de la mano en pacientes que padecen de la enfermedad de Parkinson (EP) mediante visión artificial
Saraguro González, Williams Lenin
Parkinson's disease (PD) is considered the second neurodegenerative disease after Alzheimer's worldwide. The main symptoms that appear in PD are characterized by quakes of rest, rigidity, bradykinesia, among others. To solve this problem, the present work developed a system through artificial vision using the Kinect v2 device. Two types of activities based on the UPDRS scale were analyzed: alternating movements of the hands and the tapping of the fingers. To achieve this goal, the Kinect sensor was programmed using the Processing software, later the validation of the system was carried out at the University of the Elderly, in the multisensory area where 4 patients with PD and 2 healthy patients were evaluated, obtaining satisfactory results that show that this system facilitates the final diagnosis of the patient to the evaluator.