Análisis periodístico sobre el caso NosFaltan3 de la cuenta oficial del diario El Comercio en Facebook.
Cepeda Molina, Leslly Julieth
Vaca Pazmiño, Flor Alexandra
The present article talks about the use of the criteria for evaluating the content of the
news as an important tool for the development of news at social media. Through the
analysis made during the investigation, it reveals the incomplete use of these elements
at El Comercio´s fan page at the Facebook network, in the case of #WeMiss3. Fact
that treated the kidnapping and subsequently murder of three journalists from this
media. Javier Ortega as journalist, Paúl Rivas as the photographer and Efraín Segarra
as driver, who were deprived of their freedom at Mataje, in Esmeraldas province in the
borderline whit Colombia, from March 26th until their death on April 13th in 2018.
The analysis allows us to observe the journalistic quality where most of the readers get
informed from. With access to the internet, the media has created new spaces to
distribute information, by changing their traditional channels to digital platforms. The
official Facebook account from El Comercio newspaper doesn’t accomplish the
elements of Carl Warren, despite the fact that this guide is currently being followed by
adapting the elements of the news assessment. The theoretical framework of the article
boards the digital press and digital journalism in Ecuador until reaching the spiral of
silence theory from Noelle Neuman.