Desarrollo de un "guante de datos" con sensores inerciales, herramientas open source y comunicación inalámbrica, que interactúe con imágenes del cuerpo humano en 3D para el proyecto "sistema de entrenamiento virtual para medicina"
Pillajo Obando, Marcelo Fernando
Robayo Cajamarca, Sixto Bolívar
This research work and technological development presents as result, the fusion of
two components such as: the hardware and software, integrated in a system called
"Guante Electrónico de Datos" that used as input peripheral device to work in a three
dimensional space. Thus its use is not limited to operation on a flat surface, achieving
emulate the operation of an air mouse for the computer, through inertial sensors:
gyroscopes and accelerometers that allow locate its position. In order to get a user
interaction with the computer, is using touch sensors placed at strategic parts of the
glove fingers, this interaction is achieved by wireless communication through the Zig
Bee protocol. The research is based on Open Source Hardware tools and Software
using the Arduino platform and Ubuntu Linux. Note that this work seeks to exploit the
inertial navigation through the use of free hardware tools whose use is no yet
diffused in the local environment. Through the analytical method was evaluated
various possible combinations of elements, and prototypes development where were
used the selected items, has been achieved to generate a model based on the
objectives established at the beginning of the project; this does not imply that
interested groups can use as a basis for new studies.