Construcción de una aplicación web de facturación electrónica para tiendas virtuales implementadas con WooCommerce en Ecuador
Moyón Rivera, Karla Vanessa
The system developed within this project is a prototype of a Web application that provides the
electronic invoicing service for orders made to a virtual store implemented with WooCommerce
in Ecuador, complying with technical, operational and administrative specifications determined
by the Internal Revenue Service (SRI). It is worth mentioning that the system additionally
shows a general report with data on virtual store orders such as total sales, best-selling products,
total customers, average consumption and total taxes.
Throughout the document, the construction of the system, called KV - Facturación, is presented,
starting with the analysis phases, where the viability is mentioned: technical, economic and
operational, in addition to its requirements. To then continue with the design using UML
diagrams and prototype interfaces for building the application using agile Scrum development
methodology. Finally, performance tests are performed with connection to an active virtual
store. It is worth mentioning that the tools and platforms used in the development of this project
are Free Software