Proyecto de Factibilidad de una Empresa Comercializadora de Vestimenta Casual y Formal con asesoría de imagen enfocada en vestuario ubicada en Guayaquil
Casilla Hernández, Marlon Iván
Gando Chóez, Richard David
The contribution of this project focuses on differentiation from the competition, creating value for the customer; and this later will have positive repercussions increasing the sales of the business. In addition to our suppliers, they will be Ecuadorian textile artisans, which encourages national production. During the studies carried out, it was detected that there is a gap between the attention offered to the public and the product available in clothing stores. The business model will focus on the commercialization of business casual and formal attire for an audience that works as an independent or dependent professional, which will include an image consultancy focused on clothing.