Desarrollo de un transmisor de datos del disdrómetro ubicado en el IASA- ESPE, para la empresa pública INAMHI-EPMAPS
Ortega Vera, Bryan José
Ortiz Sarmiento, Dayana Brigith
The IASA-ESPE pluviometric station had a pluviometer to measure the amount of rain
that is generated in the sector, the main drawback with this equipment is that it is not
possible to know exactly the type of meteorological phenomenon that is present in the
sector, for this reason it is necessary for an observer to collect this information every
4 hours. In the present work, it is proposed to carry out the installation of a disdrometer
and that these data can be observed in real time and at any time, the problem is that the
station did not have a device that collects the information from the disdrometer, nor
with a link in order to transmit the data. It begins with the configuration of the
disdrometro to begin transmitting the data and with the help of a raspberry pi 4 to read
them, for this the Windows 10 operating system was installed to open the LNM View
program, which transforms the data package sent by the dysdrometer to visualize the
data through graphs, this information is updated every minute. To remotely access the
Raspberry, a point-to-point link is required, to have an internet connection within the
rain gauge station, in addition, a radio frequency design was made to act as redundancy
in case the ISP fails. Finally, all the equipment will be working with a photovoltaic
system that guarantees that it will work 24 hours a day.