Diseño y construcción del sistema óptimo para la micro pulverización de bentonita sódica en la Empresa "MINMETEC"
Bravo Almeida, Carlos Daniel
Vázquez Farfán, Santiago Andrés
This project is about design and assembles of an optimal system of micro-pulverization of sodium bentonite. It is giving a description of the process to obtaining sodium bentonite. Also the physical and chemical characteristics of this material are mentioned. Next it is researched all the information about the subsequent design of micro-pulverization system, such as: the final particle size, the moisture holding material, the space designated by the company for the micro-pulverization system, and others.
Moreover it is made a study of the advantages and disadvantages of the systems of the pulverizer of ball, ring or crown, hammers and disks. It is selected the most optimal according to the requirements and it is obtained the most effective system for the processing of sodium bentonite, under conditions of moisture, particle size, space, noise, dust, and productivity; it is the hammer pulverized with classifier with air internal. Once is selected pulverizer it is analyzed the method of the collection of material pulverized. This analysis recommended a centrifugal collector for materials with small size of particle. The collector is in charge of separate particles of sodium bentonite from air, in order to collect the material before packaging.
The design of micro-pulverized system begins with the design and sizing of the centrifugal collector, when the dimensioned is done, the parameters of air flow particles, speed of entry and pressure are obtaining. In this way it’s ensured the productivity (350kg / h) and size particle (105um) that is supposed to obtain, thus it is acquired the necessary data for the dimensioning of the different elements.
After the centrifugal collector is dimensioned, the types of fans are selected. It is required an analysis of the radial and axial fans. The study of applications and features of these types of fans is done and the best is chosen. It is based mainly on the requirements of the transportation of particles. Therefore the most fitting fan for the transportation of sodium bentonite particles from micro-pulverizer to the collector is the centrifugal fan with radial straight blades, because in this type of particles no fans accumulate on the blades and at the same time the flow goes upward.
Furthermore it is calculated the diameter of the pulverizer chamber and the force that the hammers will produce. Next it is dimensioned the axle on which the hammers, the fan and switch will be placed on. After that are selected bearings and belts required for the correct transmission of engine power and torque.
Once dimensioned all the elements in the micro-pulverizer system, begin the assembling of it. Subsequently is tested it to ensuring the proper operation and correct all the faults that the system might have.
To verify that all designs work as is planned. An analysis of experimental design is done. It is a complete factorial design type 2. The variables considered are the feed rate and the position of the selector, with the purpose to obtain size particle and the productivity required according to the design considerations.
Finally this project contains an economic analysis, which shows all the costs of construction the system. It is analyzed the time of recovery of investment and it is made a comparison between the cost system designed and constructed and the cost of commercial machinery in the market with the same characteristics.