Proyecto de conformación del grupo de ayuda mutua (GAM ) con mujeres víctimas de violencia basada en género (VBG) del área de salud mental de un centro de salud pública durante los meses de abril a julio de 2021
Gómez Lanchi, Ariana Mishell
The present work covers the systematization of the sessions executed by the Mutual Aid Group (MAG) with women victims of gender-based violence (GBV) of the mental health area of a Public Health Center during the months of April to July 2021, we worked with 7 women of different ages ranging from 38 to 56 years old, various gender issues were addressed, gender violence, naturalization of violence, types of violence. For the collection of information, the following tools were used: audio recordings, images of posters used in the different sessions and field diaries. The information has been grouped under these axes: gender violence, naturalization of violence and awareness-raising.
The work allows evidence of how violence has been normalized within the lives of each of the project participants and how it has in turn left sequelae in them.