| bachelorThesis
El impacto de la derogatoria al subsidio de los combustibles gasolina extra, ecopaís y diésel en el presupuesto general de estado y su efecto en el PIB Ecuador 2019.
Manobanda Báez, José Vicente
Vinces Chuquimarca, Segundo Moisés
From years ago to the present, the country has been dragging budget deficits for different reasons, including
those that we analyze in this article, which are the subsidies to fossil fuels such as extra gasoline, eco-country
and diesel, these being the most representative items within of subsidies.
The state seeking help to generate income or reduce spending, proposed the elimination of them, which when
decree 883 was issued in October 2019 caused social commotion so that said decree was repealed since it
generated a great impact on the economy of the People, this event of eliminating subsidies has been taking
place for a long time in other presidential periods creating social commotion at each of these moments. Our
article entitled “The impact of the repeal of the subsidy for extra gasoline, eco-country and diesel fuels in the
general state budget and its effect on GDP Ecuador 2019, has shown that the impact of eliminating said
subsidy is not really representative nor for the budget or for the GDP, since what is being eliminated is 1,098
million dollars, which covers the subsidy for fossil fuels. This article gives us a perspective that there is no
significant impact on the costs of goods and services products, that subsidies should be targeted to the sectors
most affected and generate alternatives to strengthen the economy in other sectors.