“Importancia de los dispositivos grupales para el desarrollo de habilidades sociales en personas con discapacidad intelectual leve y moderada”
Narváez González, Maricela Elizabeth
The objective of this research is to get know of the importance of group devices in the process of development of social abilities, applied in people with low and mid intellectual disability. The data was recollected by secondary sources (papers, thesis, and books), this data was represented into a matrix. The main topics of this matrix are: authors, year of publication, category of analysis, and the most important aspects of each document (limitations, conclusions, and approaches).
It identified two categories; social abilities and group devices. Indeed, the analysis of this information was made use of techniques, such as data triangulation and content analysis.
The results showed that through the correct use of group devices applied in people with a low and mid intellectual disability could generate big advances in personal, social, and familiar aspects; simultaneously the impact and process of learning will be better and bigger.