Diseño, construcción y monitoreo de Extrusora de filamento con Cámara reguladora de humedad usando LabVIEW
Solórzano Orellana, Heide Beatríz
Toral Andrade, Daniella Michelle
This project contemplates the design, construction and monitoring of a filament extruder machine for 3D printing and a humidity regulating chamber for its storage. Said extrusion process will be carried out from the scrap generated by the additive manufacturing laboratories of the Universidad Politecnica Salesiana, Sede Guayaquil, Campus Centenario.In this study, the theoretical foundations and calculations necessary to obtain a new filament are drawn up, in addition to the design of the elements that make up the rest of the processes contemplated in extrusion and winding. The document includes static and dynamic analyzes of the screw, showing its behavior when the main motor rotates and the new density of the recycled material. To achieve this, extrusion tests were carried out with virgin PE and recycled PLA, establishing a correct speed in the motors in the conversion area and in the main motor of the spindle. In addition, the appropriate temperature is monitored in each of the extrusion zones by means of the Raspberry microcontroller that will send the data to the LabView software as a monitoring interface. After this, the filament is stored in a humidity regulating chamber to protect the filament from hygroscopic changes.