Evaluación de la capacidad de fitorremediación y tolerancia de un suelo contaminado por hidrocarburos, en el sector San José, cantón Cuyabeno, provincia de Sucumbíos, utilizando Phaseolus Vulgaris, Zea Mays, Sorghum Vulgare y Panicum Máximum JACQ
Puente Encalada, Jessenia Alexandra
Campoverde Rentería, Kevin Ismael
Phytoremediation is a technique to recover contaminated soils, which consists of taking
advantage of the capacity of a plant species to accumulate, metabolize and absorb existing
contaminants in the soil, the selection of plants is key to achieving optimal results. In this
experimental trial, the phytoremediation capacity and tolerance of 4 plant species Phaseolus
vulgaris, Zea mays, Sorghum vulgare and Panicum maximum jacq were studied at concentrations
of 1000, 5000 and 10000 ppm evaluated in different treatments including the control (0 ppm). The
study was carried out in the province of Sucumbíos, Cuyabeno canton, planting and monitoring of
the study was in situ, physicochemical and microbiological parameters were analyzed at the
beginning and end of the study. The measurements of the different variables were evaluated every
15 days, obtaining a total of 8 measurements throughout the four months of the investigation. For
the quantification of TPH, the SOXHLET extraction methodology and the gravimetric method
were used. In the statistical analysis of the results, an ANOVA was used with a 5% Tukey test
performed in the R-studio software with a 4x4 factorial arrangement. As a result, it was determined
that the species Panicum maximum jacq reached a removal of 47%, being the plant with the highest
phytoremediation capacity. In the microbiological part, an increase in CFU was observed at the
end of the trial, especially in the species Phaseolus vulgaris and Panicum maximum jacq. In the
physicochemical analyzes, a decrease in pH, humidity, organic carbon and potassium was
observed, while electrical conductivity, nitrogen and phosphorus increased compared to the first