Automatización de un sistema identificador y posicionador de objetos a través de un Brazo robótico mediante Visión Artificial con Lenguaje Python
Llerena Buenaño, Anthony Stalin
Salazar Villamar, Marc Jens
This project named, “Automation of an Object Identifier and Positioner System operated by a robotic arm through artificial vision with Python programming language”. Its objective is to facilitate control in laboratory practices, making a didactic model where both, students and teachers can enrich their learning and teaching processes in relation to the use of a robotic arm, to transfer an object of a specific color from point A to point B which, having the ability to be operated remotely, is optically coupled to the actual capacity restrictions, and social distancing due to the current sanitary emergency.
The main elements that make up this project are the following: Raspberry pi4 model B 2 GB, Robotic arm Lewansoul Hiwonder xArm1S, Logitech camera C270, 12v power supply, Futaba servo s3003.