Desarrollo de un sistema de control en lazo cerrado para la planta de proceso térmico de la empresa Barbados’s Beer para la producción de cerveza artesanal
Ojeda Basantes, Christhian David
In the technical project developed below, a machine to make must is designed and implemented using state-of-the-art technology to solve the production needs in small and medium-sized industries, Solidworks software was used to make the physical structure, online software visual- paradigm for the piping and instrumentation diagram, in which there is a tank with a capacity of 20 [L] for an all-or-nothing manual valve subject to an electric pump in a recirculation arrangement for the liquid content, while in its base structure there are actuators a resistive type heater together a flexible niquelina and a fan, to be controlled in the interconnection of three boards, in board one there is the general power supply and thermal protections, in board two there is the connection of relays for the different actuators and the phase control module for the heater, on board three there is the 16F877a microcontroller connected to a touch screen for the input and output of information in the interconnection of a closed loop system, on the touch screen you can see the variable temperature of the liquid that contains the tank, you can also manipulate a set point, using the nextion screen technology in the nextion editor environment, an interface of five pages is presented, in the first one there is the presentation, in the second, third and fourth page there are on and off buttons for the electric pump, fan, flexible nickeline actuators, that help reduce the inertia that the temperature presents in the heat transfer, on page 5 you can see the graph of the thermal curve that the machine performs in real time when activating the macerate button or the cooking button.