“Sistema embebido para alertar robos y secuestros de conductores en automóviles”
Zapata Caisaguano, Jorge Fabian
The project is aimed at creating an embedded system that alerts thefts and kidnappings of
drivers in cars to help improve user safety. A questionnaire methodology is used to
determine user satisfaction and possible improvements and the cascade model,
determining the construction phases, and then carrying them out. This system will provide
an alert via SMS and telephone call, carried out by a SIM808 module with an Arduino
UNO device, triggering an alert indication for the Smartphone devices of relatives or
friends of their position using GPS, the joint operation of the devices will be exposed.
modules with the mobile application, which when the button is activated, text messages
are sent and when these are received on the smartphone device, with the application open,
it automatically locates the coordinates on the map.