Desarrollo y plan estratégico para el nuevo producto -Buceo de Altura- para una agencia de viajes operadora en la provincia de Imbabura
Cadena Cedeño, Alejandro David
This investigation had been made with the propose to cover a restlessness and interest to make a strategic plan for a new product for the tourism industry. This new product is related on the tourism industry. This contained different specialties, one of them is the Adventure Sports and Scuba Diving is one of it. That is why one of the complements of this activity could be “The Altitude Scuba Diving”. There is not a similar product in other parts of the world and in Ecuador either.
Tourism in Ecuador is one of the most important economic activities, it represents the fourth most important income of the country. It is important to create and foment new and different products even the ones that Ecuador already has. This is why this document was done. It finds if this new service call “Altitude Scuba Diving” could be done in Ecuador according to the preferences and pleasures. It will take care of the location which needs to be easy to develop and produce interest to the potential client.
The results of this investigation are very satisfied and clearly there is interest of develop this new product. Of course, we will think about the business benefits and we were to be the first company on that activity promoting high sales for the travel company.
Promotion is very important to promote this new service to reach the business objects.