Análisis comunicacional de las estrategias del Servicio Integrado de Seguridad para la difusión es su denominación como ECU 9-1-1.
Díaz Tituaña, Karla Marlene
Granja Cevallos, Nathalie Pamela
This article aims to show the communication processes developed by the Integrated
Security Service: “ECU 911” through an analysis that considers communication as a
fundamental tool for work between the institution and citizens. To this purpose, it
develops concepts like communication, citizen participation, citizen security and
public policy, which are the basis for institutional work and the projection of
intervention activities that contribute to citizens’ comprehensive security. It also
includes support from other institutions of emergency.
As background for this article it must be known that the Integrated Security Service
“ECU 911” emerges from the concept of security, based on the protection of citizens
in joint work with the aforementioned institutions and the Communication
Department, which determine guidelines for communication management at local and
national levels, so that there will be an adequate treatment of information,
dissemination and position of the institution.
Thus, the communication system that all organizations have, with a communication
system allow inter-institutional processes to develop, as it happens in the case of the
ECU 911, whose strategies may become a tool that sensitize and achieve changes in
society by offering the citizen elements for decision making. Communication must
become a priority so it can exist a true understanding of the importance of safety and