Optimización de las cotas de reglaje de la distribución de un motor Suzuki G13B Twin Cam mediante diseño experimental
Bustos González, Juan Daniel
Calle Espinoza, Carlos Julio
In this paper we develop primarily a theoretical study of the main factors involved in the operation of the internal combustion engine Otto cycle, particularly those that have to do with the dimensions of adjustment of the distribution, as are those on that will work to obtain the values of these dimensions with which it is achieved to increase engine performance.
After this, it is proposed the methodology to be used for the experiment, thus defining the experimental design to be used, its variables and levels as well as the description of the different elements that are part of the experimental unit also performed and required for data collection.
Experimental runs from the experimental design are made, which data engine behavior submitted to different configurations of the study factors are acquired. Processing data acquired using the Minitab software to determine their validity and to obtain values to optimize study factors is performed, which are applied to the engine to obtain those results.
The conclusions after the development of experiment in terms of the results and recommendations are set and the recomendations to take account of this work are done.