Sistematización de investigación sobre organización, sentido de comunidad y autonomía en la comunidad indígena Pucará de Pesillo de Cayambe, 2018
Andrade Salazar, Andrés Gregorio
Pineda Arias, Sofía Salomé
This study was carried on in the indigenous community Pukará de Pesillo in
Cayambe. It explored the relationships between the sense of community, organization,
and autonomy processes. This study is based on Latin America Community and Social
Psychology; it employs an exploratory and qualitative methodology using the
following tools: participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and focus groups.
Community and Social Psychology is not a mainstream field of study in Ecuador,
adapting this academic knowledge to the complexity of the cultural context
represented an important challenge.
The main results shown the praxis is the fundamental axis for the construction of
community relations, as well as the community organization and autonomy processes.
The sense of community in Pesillo is a product of the dialectical relationship of the
subject with the energy of the cosmos (other living beings, the pacha mama, and gods
of their territory). Through this experience, we conclude that a fundamental stage in
the community work, is to create an emotional bond with the community. It implies to
share the day-to-day where the role of the researcher is not based in the “supposed